CSD in Oranienburg was peaceful

CSD in Oranienburg was peaceful

CSD in Oranienburg was peaceful

According to the police, Christopher Street Day (CSD) in Oranienburg, north of Berlin, was initially peaceful. Accompanied by right-wing counter-demonstrators, the colorful parade, in which queer people stood up for diversity and democracy, moved through the city in the afternoon.

The organizers spoke of around 1,000 CSD participants and around 40 counter-demonstrators; the police did not provide any figures. According to a police spokesman, there were no unusual incidents. The police separated the two demonstrations.

After the demonstration, a festival was planned on the Schlossplatz. “We are very satisfied so far,” said Candy Boldt-Händel, co-organizer of the Oberhavel CSD, who had initially expected disruptive actions.

Second CSD in Oranienburg

The situation at the CSD in Frankfurt (Oder) has also remained relaxed recently. However, weeks ago the small right-wing extremist party Free Saxony called for a protest against the CSD in Bautzen.

Oranienburg is celebrating its second Pride this year. According to the organizers, last year there were between 500 and 800 participants. The community of lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transgender and intersex people is demonstrating for their rights.

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