CSU parliamentary group leader von Wüst surprised – K question still open

CSU parliamentary group leader von Wüst surprised – K question still open

CSU parliamentary group leader von Wüst surprised – K question still open

The public support of the North Rhine-Westphalian Prime Minister Hendrik Wüst for CDU leader Friedrich Merz as the Union’s candidate for chancellor has been received with caution by the CSU. The CSU parliamentary group leader in the Bavarian state parliament, Klaus Holetschek, told the “Bild” newspaper that there had been “no decision at all yet” on the question of the chancellor candidacy. As long as nothing is decided, nothing is decided“.

Wüst announced on Monday evening that he was not currently available to run for chancellor and that he would support Merz. He had long been considered a potential candidate for chancellorship – alongside Merz, who is considered the favorite, and CSU leader Markus SöderWüst heads the CDU’s regional association with the largest number of members. With him, Merz now has significant backing.

According to Bild, after Wüst’s statement, Holetschek told journalists at the CSU parliamentary group meeting in Banz Monastery that they could only take note of it for now. “Actually, a different procedure was agreed between the party leaders – and that’s why I find this surprising at this point.” Wüst must “know for himself what he is communicating. It was a good procedure and they should have stuck to it.”

Merz and CSU leader Söder have agreed to clarify the K question in late summer, after the elections in three eastern German states. Next Sunday is the state election in Brandenburg – and the beginning of autumn according to the calendar. The CDU leader usually has first access to the Union’s candidate for chancellor. However, directly after the state elections in Saxony and Thuringia on September 1, CSU leader Markus Söder repeated several times that he was ready to do so. (dpa)

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