Culture Minister Schüle wins Potsdam constituency for SPD

Culture Minister Schüle wins Potsdam constituency for SPD

Culture Minister Schüle wins Potsdam constituency for SPD

Brandenburg’s Minister of Culture Manja Schüle (SPD) has won a state parliament mandate for the first time. According to the state election commission, the 48-year-old received the most first votes in the Potsdam I constituency with 34.4 percent and thus secured the direct mandate.

In the election five years ago, Marie Schäffer of the Greens won the constituency in a duel against the current Federal Minister of Construction Klara Geywitz (SPD); it was her party’s only direct mandate. Now Schäffer came in second with 26.5 percent. Voter turnout in the Potsdam I constituency was 83.5 percent.

The victory in the constituency was extremely important for Schüle, because she was in the hopeless 32nd place on the state list. In the 2017 federal election, Schüle won the only direct mandate in East Germany for the SPD in Potsdam, and two years later she became Minister for Science, Research and Culture under Prime Minister Dietmar Woidke in Potsdam. Schüle comes from Frankfurt/Oder.

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