Demonstration against planned fence in Görlitzer Park


According to the organizers, around 200 people demonstrated in Görlitzer Park against the planned fence and the nightly closure of the prosecution. The police accompanied the protest in Berlin-Kreuzberg. Organizers and police both spoke of a relaxed atmosphere.

Left-wing initiatives want to conclude their week of action against the measures planned by the Senate tomorrow with a demonstration entitled “De-fence Görli” and a colorful day of protest. Staged sabotage actions with “fun games” are planned for Sunday. “Cutting the fence,” “throwing paint bags,” “freeing prisoners” and “throwing Wegner away” have been announced.

District defends itself against Senate plans

The Senate wants to curb drug-related crime and conflicts by installing entrance gates and closing the park at night. The Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg district is taking legal action against these plans – so far without success.

The Berlin Administrative Court had ruled in an expedited procedure that the district led by the Greens had “no right of defence” against the intervention and the Senate’s decision. It was not an independent municipality, but carried out tasks as a subordinate part of the unified municipality of Berlin.

The district office is not satisfied with this decision and has filed an appeal with the Higher Administrative Court (OVG). According to a court spokeswoman, it is still unclear when the OVG will take up the matter.

Further discussions in politics

The plans are also causing debate in politics. The Green Party’s parliamentary group leader in the Berlin House of Representatives, Bettina Jarasch, criticized that little has happened since the security summit a year ago. “The never-ending fence debate is not making anyone safer. Least of all the residents, who are particularly afraid that drug use will shift even more to house entrances and stairwells.”

The Berlin FDP sees a different approach: “Anyone who wants to prevent a fence around Görlitzer Park must commit to building housing in the park,” said Secretary General Peter Langer. Residential and commercial areas create social control and thus more security in the other parks, he said. This makes a fence unnecessary.

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