Discuss the latest developments of the BIMP-EAGA PEIC project


By Sim YH –

BANDAR SERI BEGAWAN, SEPT 5 – The Energy and Electric Power Infrastructure Cluster (PEIC) is one of the key sectors in achieving the BIMP-EAGA vision where it continues to contribute to the economic growth of the BIMP-EAGA region through the provision of access to sustainable energy sources.

In that direction, PEIC’s efforts in supporting the vision and aspirations of BIMP-EAGA are commended, where through the sharing and exchange of information on electric power development projects, each country not only focuses on access to energy sources for the population of each country but also supports each other. through the initiative to connect the electricity network.

The effort promotes trade and investment towards a steady economic activity, explained the Acting Director of the Department of Electricity Services (JPE), Awang Ahmad Ridza bin Dato Seri Setia Haji Abdul Rahman in his welcome speech at the BIMP-EAGA Meeting for the 11th PEIC which taking place in the capital, today.

The meeting hosted by the Electricity Services Department (JPE), Prime Minister’s Department (JPM), Brunei Darussalam as the host took place from September 3 to 5 and was chaired by the Director of Electricity Program Construction, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Republic of Indonesia, Ir Wanhar.

A total of more than 40 delegates from BIMP-EAGA member countries namely Brunei Darussalam, Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines attended the meeting.

Also present were Awang Ahmad Ridza and the Head of the Energy Transition Division at the Department of Energy at JPM, Dayang Shirley Sikun as co-hosts as well as officials from the Department of Energy at JPM, JPE, the ASEAN Energy Center and officials from member countries of BIMP- EAGA.

Categorized under the pillar of BIMP-EAGA Connectivity, the results and discussions of the meeting will be reported to the 32nd BIMP-EAGA Senior Officials Meeting scheduled to convene in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia on October 14 to 17.

Several side meetings were also held including the Meeting BIMP ASEAN Power Grid Advancement Program (APG-AP) Consultations which was held in collaboration with UNESCAP on September 3, followed by the 2nd RECAP Workshop (Renewable Energy Certificate) Regional Meeting: BIMP Country Market Assessment and the Foundation for a Collaborative REC Framework conducted by technical experts from the ASEAN Energy Center on September 4 as one of the ongoing commitments to support multilateral power trade for the BIMP-EAGA region and ASEAN. Meanwhile, the BIMP-EAGA PEIC Meeting has discussed the latest developments of the ongoing BIMP-EAGA PEIC projects for 2023-2025.

Awang Ahmad Ridza and Ir Wanhar took many photos with members of the delegation who participated in the meeting. – PHOTO BY SIM YH

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