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Do egg prices affect American voters’ choices?

Do egg prices affect American voters’ choices?

In light of the rising costs of living in the United States, these prices have become a major focus of electoral debates and a pivotal issue that affects the behavior of voters who will determine the results of the elections.

According to a report prepared by the American “News Nation” network and viewed by the Sky News Arabia Iqtisad website, the former President… Donald Trump And the current Vice President Kamala HarrisPromises and proposals to improve the American economy if they win, especially with regard to food prices.

She called Harris Congress To pass a bill prohibiting the manipulation of food prices and promised to fight anti-competitive behavior in the food industry, while Trump believes that tariffs and reducing energy costs, along with lowering taxes and interest rates, are steps that would quickly reduce the prices of everything, including the prices of… Food.

Americans are affected by egg prices

At a time when both Harris and Trump are seeking, and less than 20 days before the presidential elections are scheduled to take place in… AmericaIn order to provide effective solutions to confront rising food prices, one consumer commodity is under more scrutiny than others by American consumers: eggs.

People in America are greatly affected by the prices of this food product, and this is what prompted the British newspaper, The Telegraph, to point out earlier last month that the “egg sandwich” is expensive, which is sold for $10.45 in Washington, compared to $4.50 in Washington. London, may be the reason behind Kamala Harris losing the presidential elections.

Politicians in America are aware of the extent to which citizens are affected by the prices of eggs. Last month, the Republican Party’s candidate for vice president, J.D. Vance, pointed out that the prices of eggs when Kamala Harris won her position as vice president in 2020 were less than $1.50 per dozen. Now it’s about $4 a dozen.

Despite the accusation directed by some against Vance of exaggerating the rate of price increases, data from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics show that the average selling price of 12 eggs in the country reached $3.82 in September 2024, recording an increase of 193 percent compared to the prices recorded in the year. 2020, which then amounted to about $1.30 per dozen.

According to a report prepared by “Bloomberg” and viewed by the “Eqtisad Sky News Arabia” website, “eggs” were a noticeable black mark in the US inflation report for September 2024, while the general rate of consumer prices rose by only 2.5 percent.

However, egg prices jumped by more than 28 percent. The widespread spread of bird flu in the country this year prompted producers to slaughter tens of millions of chickens designated for egg production. This destroyed the supply and pushed prices to rise.

An irreplaceable product

Usually, when the price of any product rises, people buy less of it, which reduces demand and thus lowers prices, but this does not apply to eggs, says Bill Lapp, president of Advanced Economic Solutions, which forecasts… at commodity prices, indicating that the demand for “eggs” is relatively inelastic.

Although the price of this product has more than doubled in the past four years, the average American still eats one egg per day, a consumption rate that has been recorded for decades.

According to Lapp, one of the reasons for the inflexibility of “eggs” is that they are one of the cheapest forms of protein ever, and consumers depend on them as an irreplaceable support. For example, if the prices of beef rise, consumers can switch to turkey or chicken, and if the prices of turkey and chicken rise They can go to eggs, but when the price of eggs rises, there is nowhere else to go.

Economic journalist Mahasen Mursal said in an interview with the “Eqtisad Sky News Arabia” website, that since January 2022, poultry farms in America have been waging a fierce battle with a deadly and highly contagious strain of bird flu called H5N1, as this strain has grown rapidly over the course of two years to now become the largest outbreak. Bird flu in the history of the United States.

She pointed out that, as of the beginning of October 2024, H5N1 had affected more than 100 million birds in the United States, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which led to the disruption of “egg” supplies in the country. With the loss of many birds due to the virus, Egg production is not keeping pace with consumer demand, and this shortage has led to higher prices.

Mursal reveals that during the first half of 2024, egg prices in America witnessed some slight declines, but prices have returned to their upward path now, coinciding with shifts in shopping habits, as the demand for “eggs” tends to rise in the fall and winter with students returning to school, where… Eggs are among the prominent meals in cafeterias and dining halls in schools and universities.

She expected the price of eggs to continue to rise in America in the coming days and weeks, coinciding with the withdrawal of millions of eggs infected with salmonella from the market.

Mursal explains that “eggs” are considered one of the basic foodstuffs in the diet of many American families, so the rise in their price directly affects the families’ budget, which increases their concern about financial stability, and the American citizen also considers any increase in the prices of basic commodities , such as “eggs”, could be an indicator of broader economic problems, noting that this trend is fueled by the American media, so “egg” prices become the focus of news reports, which enhances public awareness about prices and increases people’s interest in this matter.

The effect of egg prices on voter orientation

Mursal stressed that egg prices are not just an individual issue for the American consumer, but rather an issue linked to food prices in general, which prompts voters to make decisions about the candidates based on how they deal with this issue.

If egg prices rise significantly, voters may tend to support candidates who adopt agricultural policies that support farmers and contribute to market stability, considering that the Biden administration does not directly bear responsibility for the rise in egg prices in the country.

However, this did not prevent the Republican Party from exploiting what happened and pointing out that there is misconduct for which the current administration, represented by candidate Harris, bears responsibility.

For his part, economic analyst Muhammad Al-Hajj said, in an interview with the “Eqtisad Sky News Arabia” website, that most American voters believe that their presidential candidate can do something to reduce food prices, but the truth is that while the American president can influence the economic environment in general, It usually has a very small impact on food prices.

The results of the 2024 presidential elections will not constitute a departure from this path, pointing out that this confusion is not surprising, as the presidential candidates themselves, in order to gain votes, are trying to claim that their policies will turn bad times into good quickly and effectively. Historically, US presidents have little power to immediately influence the prices of materials. Food and grocery bills.

Al-Hajj asserts that while US presidents play an important role in shaping economic and agricultural policies, they have limited ability to immediately influence food prices, which are affected by several reasons such as supply and demand factors and seasonal production volume due to weather or epidemics.

Geopolitical crises, problems in supply chains, oil price changes, and trade wars can also affect food prices, stressing that the US President can influence economic policies by legislating laws or regulating markets, and this requires time to achieve results, while he cannot prevent Egg prices are rising due to bird flu.

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