Dobrindt pushes for another deportation flight next week


The decisions of the traffic light coalition after the attack in Solingen do not go far enough for the Union. Before the federal-state talks on migration policy, the CDU again called for rejections at the border, while the CSU is demanding that deportations be speeded up. Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) wants to discuss migration policy with the Union as the largest opposition force and the states next week.

After the first deportation flight of criminals to Afghanistan Since the Taliban came to power, CSU regional group leader Alexander Dobrindt further, rapid deportations. “I expect Interior Minister Faeser to ensure that the next deportation flight to Afghanistan takes place next week,” Dobrindt told the newspaper. “This cannot be a flash in the pan.”

CDU General Secretary Carsten Linnemann repeated the demand to turn away refugees at the German border. “To stop illegal immigration, we need to consistently apply the Dublin principle, i.e. rejecting people at the borders,” said Linnemann the “Bild am Sonntag” (“BamS”). “In addition, anyone who is not allowed to stay here must be deported. We will insist on these positions.”

In countless cases, the immigration authorities of the states do not enforce the applicable law.

Marco BuschmannFederal Minister of Justice (FDP)

Linnemann warned that the meeting should not “become a placebo event”. “What is needed now are concrete measures to limit illegal migration and not constantly new working groups,” he continued.

Union parliamentary group manager Thorsten Frei (CDU) is taking part in the summit. He told the newspaper: “When the government and opposition meet on Tuesday to discuss the matter, the aim must be to find out whether there is a willingness to substantially reduce the flow of migration to Germany. In any case, we are not available for a placebo policy and business as usual.”

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Federal Minister of the Interior Nancy Faeser (SPD) had confirmed the deportation of 28 convicted criminals on Friday. She now told the newspaper: “Foreign violent criminals and rapists must leave our country. I will therefore continue to do everything I can to ensure that criminals and terrorist threats are deported to Afghanistan and also to Syria.”

CDU leader Friedrich Merz had again called on the government on Saturday to take further measures to limit the number of asylum seekers in Germany. CSU leader Markus Söder demanded a change in asylum law, This, however, met with massive criticism from, among others, the SPD.

Federal Minister of Justice Marco Buschmann (FDP) accused of failings before the migration meeting in the “BamS”. “Everything must be on the table in the federal-state talks: everything that the federal government can do, but also the role of the states,” said Buschmann. “In countless cases, the applicable law is not enforced by the state immigration authorities.” This must “change as quickly as possible.”

Following the suspected Islamist knife attack in Solingen that left three people dead, the German government presented a package of measures this week that includes some tightening of asylum and security policy. Among other things, under certain conditions, benefits for refugees can be reduced to zero in the future if another EU country is actually responsible for them.

Also part of the package are easier deportations if asylum seekers commit a crime with a weapon or other dangerous tool. The use of knives in public spaces is also to be further restricted.

On Friday, Germany deported Afghans to their country of origin for the first time since the Taliban seized power three years ago. Deportations to Syria are also planned again. (lem)

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