Driver collides with police car and flees

Driver collides with police car and flees

Driver collides with police car and flees

An unknown driver is said to have caused several accidents in Berlin and ultimately collided with a police car in Berlin-Mariendorf. After a witness reported previous accidents, police officers parked their car diagonally in front of the unknown driver’s car at a red light at night to prevent him from escaping, Berlin police reported.

Suddenly the driver accelerated and drove on the grass verge in the middle of the road. Then he returned to the road and collided with the police car, which had also driven into the road. The police car was so badly damaged that the police were reportedly unable to drive on. The officers were uninjured.

Police officers later found the unknown man’s car abandoned on Marchandstrasse, it was reported. Before that, the perpetrator is said to have caused accidents in Britz and Rudow and then fled. Officials initially did not provide any information on the extent of the damage.

© dpa-infocom, dpa:240921-930-239178/1

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