East German car industry calls for removal of barriers


In view of the difficult situation in the industry, the East German automotive industry has called for the removal of barriers and more planning. From the perspective of the Automotive Cluster East Germany (ACOD), the use of electric vehicles must become more attractive and companies must be given more freedom.

The current economic and energy policy is unsettling the big players and pushing medium-sized and smaller companies to their limits, criticized ACOD CEO Petra Peterhänsel at a congress in Dresden.

“We are calling on European and German decision-makers to be more open to technology, have fewer regulations, and be able to plan energy costs more reliably and reliably,” she said. “This will make us resilient and ensure the market success of the East German automotive and supplier industry.”

Saxony’s Prime Minister Michael Kretschmer (CDU) insisted on an end to the technology restrictions on drives. “We must remain open to technology in order to lead Saxony, the automotive state, into a successful future.” The Free State wants to use the innovation funding to provide greater support to suppliers. Kretschmer sees energy costs as the most pressing problem. “It is urgently necessary to address the energy transition and reduce electricity prices.”

Kretschmer: Overall, a different economic policy is necessary

In view of the challenges, a different economic policy is needed overall, instead of the state constantly dictating how things should be done through micro-control, regulations, bureaucracy and control, said Kretschmer. Rather, freedom and opportunities are needed for possible changes “with performance, pioneering spirit and innovation”.

Brandenburg’s Minister of Economic Affairs Jörg Steinbach (SPD) sees the need to systematically reduce unnecessary bureaucracy. Experience in his state has shown that this and “obstructive obsession with guidelines” scare away valuable investors.

The recognized competence and experience of East German specialists is a strength that must be preserved. A catalogue of urgent proposals for reducing bureaucracy is needed in order to reduce the effort and costs in companies and to speed up planning and approval procedures. The example of Tesla shows opportunities to “inspire other global players for East Germany”.

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