Election campaign in Brandenburg comes to an end

Election campaign in Brandenburg comes to an end

Election campaign in Brandenburg comes to an end

The election campaign in Brandenburg ends one day before the state election. CDU federal chairman Friedrich Merz once again emphasized the differences between his party and the AfD in Potsdam: “It contradicts everything that makes up the core and soul of our party,” said the designated Union candidate for chancellor at the end of the CDU’s election campaign. “Yes, we want to limit the number of refugees and asylum seekers, but we are not doing this with a xenophobic undertone.”

The CDU is patriotic, but not nationalistic. “The difference between patriots who love their country and nationalists is very simple: We love our country. Nationalists hate everyone else,” said Merz. Sunday’s election is about the question of whether there will be a government in the political center in Brandenburg in the future. Many people shared the impression that there is a chance “to show now that governments can be formed in the democratic center without those who call themselves AfD or BSW,” said Merz. The Office for the Protection of the Constitution in Brandenburg classifies the AfD as a suspected right-wing extremist case and its top candidate Hans-Christoph Berndt as right-wing extremist.

Woidke continues to hope for cosmopolitanism

Brandenburg’s Prime Minister Woidke (SPD) got an idea of ​​the preparations for the growing flood risk in Frankfurt (Oder) the day before the election. With a view to the election, he stressed that he hoped for a good result for his party. “But above all, I hope that we have a signal that the state of Brandenburg continues to stand for cosmopolitanism, freedom and democracy,” said Woidke.

Under the motto “Stay stable – against the AfD and the shift to the right”, a rally with concerts by bands such as Madsen and Sportfreunde Stiller will also take place in Potsdam until late in the evening.

The Greens and the Left, who are fighting for re-entry into parliament in the election, had their official election campaign conclusion like the SPD on Friday – AfD, FDP and the Sahra Wagenknecht Alliance (BSW) had already done so in the days before.

What it’s about on Sunday

It is eagerly awaited who will emerge as the strongest party on Sunday. The future of Prime Minister Woidke is also linked to this: he will only remain in government if his SPD comes in first place. In the last poll before the election, the AfD was just ahead of the SPD.

If the AfD becomes the strongest force, it would be the first time in Brandenburg – and the second time in a state election ever, after the election in Thuringia on September 1. The SPD has been the Prime Minister in Brandenburg since reunification in 1990. On Sunday, around 2.1 million Brandenburg residents are called to vote.

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