Electronic ankle bracelets for ex-husbands to prevent murders


Following fatal acts of violence against women, the Senate Justice Administration wants to use electronic ankle bracelets for dangerous husbands or partners in Berlin. “I will work to ensure that ankle bracelets are introduced in Berlin. This is also possible at the state level,” announced Justice Senator Felor Badenberg (CDU).

Along with other institutions, the judiciary also has a responsibility to protect victims. “This includes preventive measures such as ankle bracelets, as well as proactive victim support and effective criminal proceedings,” said Badenberg. The Senate Justice Administration has therefore examined the issue and has come to the conclusion: “Introducing electronic ankle bracelets at state level in the General Law for the Protection of Public Safety and Order in Berlin is possible.” If an aggressive ex-husband does not keep the specified distance from a home or woman, the women are warned by a signal.

Two women killed in Berlin in just a few days

Two women were stabbed to death within a few days last week. In each case, the police believe the perpetrator was the ex-partner.

A 28-year-old woman was critically injured last Friday evening in Berlin-Friedrichsfelde and died shortly afterwards in hospital. Her ex-boyfriend, a 45-year-old Turk, is said to have attacked her with a knife and stabbed her several times. He is in custody. According to newspaper reports, the Greek woman was at the family court just a few hours before her death in order to ensure that her former boyfriend was no longer allowed to come near her.

Two days earlier, a 36-year-old woman and mother of four children was killed in Zehlendorf, allegedly by her ex-husband, with numerous stab wounds. Both were from Lebanon. The woman had previously separated from the man and obtained a restraining order from a court. However, the ex-husband is said to have ambushed her on her doorstep and attacked her, it was said.

The term femicide means that women are murdered because of their gender – that is, because they are women. The most common form is the killing of women by partners or ex-partners. According to statistics from the Federal Criminal Police Office, 155 women were killed in this way last year.

Initiative: Uniform funding of women’s shelters throughout Germany

The Berlin Initiative against Violence against Women (BIG) called for the rapid introduction of a uniform funding regulation for women’s shelters and counseling centers throughout Germany. It cannot be the case that women who have experienced violence have to pay for protection in women’s shelters, said Kristin Fischer, a speaker at the initiative, to broadcaster RBB. Protection must be guaranteed regardless of whether someone is on welfare, a student or a pensioner. Victim protection must also be more effective in other ways. This includes electronic ankle bracelets.

Federal Minister for Women Lisa Paus (Greens) is currently preparing a law on assistance to violence. Berlin’s Social Affairs Senator Cansel Kiziltepe (SPD) called on the federal government to implement the proposed law quickly. “We need more shelters. We need more offers of help, effective prevention and prosecution,” said Kiziltepe. Four points are important: the federal law on assistance to violence, an electronic ankle bracelet for dangerous individuals, more case conferences between all the authorities involved and more offender courses in prisons. According to the Senator, there are now 521 shelter places for women in Berlin.

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