Escaped horses run through northern Potsdam


Where have they gone? Several Potsdam residents observed several horses running away on the street in Fahrland on Wednesday evening and called the police. A Facebook video shows the herd running through the northern part of the townAccording to the user, the eight horses usually stand at the edge of town towards the B273. “First they were in the construction site in the town centre, but then they came back,” she wrote.

After several residents called the police between 10 and 10:30 p.m., emergency services searched the area extensively – but did not see any horses. The animals could have posed a danger to road traffic. That is why the officers were on site.

The police do not know where the horses are currently located. There are no police measures underway. However, the police are not responsible for catching escaped animals, a spokeswoman for the West Police Department told the PNN.

However, if a witness spots the horses – or other escaped animals – they can call the police at any time. There have been no reports of this since Wednesday evening. It is possible that the horses have long since returned to their native paddock. One user commented that the animals are back on their traditional meadow. This means that they belong to a nearby farm.

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