Events in the USA are not at the top of Putin’s agenda. Peskov


Events in the United States are not at the top of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s agenda, his press secretary Dmitry Peskov said, answering the question: what did the head of state mean when yesterday at the plenary session of the Eastern Economic Forum he ironically announced that Moscow is Joe Biden’s after withdrawing from the election campaign supports Kamala Harris.

“The moderator asked Putin a question, Putin answered this question, of course, American affairs are not at the top of the president’s agenda, and after all, the main thing for him is our country, our people, our citizens and taking care of them,” he said. Peskov.

Yesterday, the head of the Kremlin expressed his opinion that the contagious laughter of the US vice president suggests that “everything is fine” with him.

“Our favorite, so to speak, was the current president, Mr. Biden. But his participation in the campaign has been canceled and he has advised all his supporters to support Ms Harris. And we will do so,” Putin announced.

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