Explosions in Voronezh region after Kiev drone attack


Following a Ukrainian drone attack, authorities in the Russian region of Voronezh reported explosions in the Ostrogozhsk district and declared a state of emergency there. Governor Alexander Gusev announced on Telegram that several towns in the district were being evacuated. According to the report, detonations occurred at a facility containing explosive materials after a fire.

Gusev did not say what type of object it was. Ukrainian observers, however, assumed that an ammunition depot in western Russia had been hit. According to Gusev, there were no injuries at first. The extent of the damage was therefore not clear. Most of the residents are staying with relatives and friends, he said.

In the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine, the two warring parties repeatedly shoot at each other with drones, for example to destroy fuel and ammunition depots for military supplies. The Voronezh region has also been the target of repeated attacks in the war, which has been going on for more than two and a half years. This morning, Ukrainian air defense again reported the shooting down of numerous Russian drones.

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