Fake BDCB account alert via telegram

Fake BDCB account alert via telegram

By Yusrin Junaidi

BANDAR SERI BEGAWAN, SEPT 18 – Following the impersonation of the Brunei Darussalam Central Bank (BDCB) account through a telegram application to lend money to the public, the BDCB today informed and emphasized that it will never ask for money from the public or lend it.

Accordingly, the public is advised to be vigilant against any entity that deceives by misusing the name and logo of BDCB to deceive their victims.

According to the statement, BDCB would like to emphasize that anyone who uses BDCB’s name, symbol, design or image without written permission with the intention of either deceiving, deceiving, or causing confusion is an offense under Chapter 74A of the BDCB Order, 2010, and if convicted, may shall be fined not more than $20,000, imprisoned not more than seven (7) years, or both.

In this regard, the BDCB would like to advise the public not to deal with any unlicensed online entity offering financial services. People who want to make loans or financial financing are advised to continue dealing with licensed banks and financial companies. The list of financial institutions licensed by the BDCB as well as the BDCB Alert List can be found on the BDCB website at www.bdcb.gov.bn.

The public is also advised to make a report immediately to the Royal Brunei Police Force at the nearest police station, or via 993 if they have been a victim of unlicensed financial activities.

In addition, the public can also inform the BDCB about any entity or individual suspected of offering money lending services without a license by contacting the Financial Consumer Unit, BDCB at +673 8380007 or emailing [email protected].

BDCB will continue to focus on domestic financial stability and prioritize the protection of the financial system as well as the interests of financial users in Brunei Darussalam. The BDCB, in collaboration with the relevant authorities, also constantly monitors suspicious or unlicensed financial activities in the country.

Fake BDCB account alert via telegram

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