Fan representatives welcome UEFA price cap for away tickets


From the perspective of the fan organization “Unsere Kurve,” the decision by the European Football Union UEFA to lower the maximum price for away tickets for European Cup matches was absolutely necessary. “The prices for the most basic categories, but also for food in the stadium, rose to worrying levels. We now hope that the new upper limits will help to bring football closer to its base,” said Thomas Kessen, spokesman for “Unsere Kurve.”

UEFA decided that away fans in the Champions League will pay a maximum of 60 euros for a ticket this season instead of the previous 70 euros. In the 2025/2026 Champions League season, the maximum ticket price for away fans will be 50 euros. The decision is intended to recognize the important role of fans in football, UEFA said.

Kessen said that the slogan “Football must be affordable” has existed among fans for decades. Recently, this credo has been increasingly ignored. In Kessen’s view, the price cap should not remain the only measure. “If the concerns of the fans were really taken seriously, the number of games would be reduced and the VAR would be abolished.”

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