Federal Audit Office sees “significant deficiencies” in the traffic light coalition’s budget plans


According to a report, the Federal Audit Office is very critical of the Federal government budget planning. These are “with significant deficiencies and risks“, says a report for the Bundestag’s Budget Committee, which “Spiegel” quoted on Friday.

The Court of Auditors judges that there has been no consolidation of the “out-of-control federal budget”. There is a lack of “a comprehensible, comprehensive critique of expenditure”, a “sober review of the effectiveness of measures” and a lack of concentration on the core tasks of the federal government.

Specifically, the Court of Auditors advises MPs not to approve the supplementary budget for 2024 presented by the government. “The Bundestag should not get involved in this,” According to “Spiegel”, the report states that passing the bill would pose “another high constitutional risk”. Among other things, the government had set the permissible new debt too high by 3.4 billion euros.

According to the report, the draft budget for 2025 has also been criticized. Parts of the proposal are “hardly compatible” with the Bundestag’s budgetary rights, it says.

In the longer term, the Court of Auditors complains of a shortfall in financial planning of around 74 billion euros, according to the magazine.The federal government is planning expenditures that it does not know how to finance“, is therefore criticized. This is not evidence of “budgetary care and solidity”.

The Bundestag will begin deliberations on the draft budget for 2025 on Tuesday. The draft supplementary budget for 2024 will also be discussed. (AFP)

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