Federal government dampens expectations of planned migration meeting


The federal government is trying to dampen expectations regarding the federal-state meeting on migration planned for Tuesday. “I would rather argue that we should wait and see and not formulate great expectations in advance.”said deputy government spokeswoman Christiane Hoffmann in Berlin.

The meeting is to take place in the Federal Ministry of the Interior, according to information from the Union faction at 3 p.m. The Federal Government will be hosted by Interior Minister Nancy Faeser (SPD), as well as Federal Justice Minister Marco Buschmann (FDP), Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock (Greens) and the State Secretary from the Federal Ministry of Economics, Anja Hajduk (Greens).

“Security package” after knife attack in Solingen

After the suspected Islamist knife attack in Solingen The Federal Government had a “Security package” with planned measures presented and talks between the federal and state governments on the topic were announced. The package should also be an “essential basis” for the meeting on Tuesday, said a spokesman for the Federal Ministry of the Interior. It is a confidential work discussionThere are no plans to subsequently inform the press.

The package of measures includes Tightening of repatriation rules rejected asylum seekers to their countries of origin, steps to toughen Combating Islamist terrorism and tightening of Gun lawFor example, it is planned that asylum seekers for whom another European country is responsible will no longer receive benefits in Germany – if that country is prepared to take them back.

The order of our country is at risk

Friedrich MerzCDU leader

“Beyond the package, we have made it clear that we are open to proposals from the Union and the states and that we will discuss these with each other,” said the Interior Ministry spokesman.

CDU has “little confidence”

CDU leader Friedrich Merzwho last week offered his party’s cooperation in tightening asylum regulations, expressed pessimism on Monday about the prospects of success: His party is entering the talks “with relatively little confidence.”

Merz made it clear that the attempt to cross-party approach to migration policy could end after the meeting on Tuesday if the coalition does not show a willingness to reverse its asylum policy. “Then the federal government must bear sole responsibility for the consequences for our country,” he added.

His party is demanding that migrants be turned away at the German border – and will not deviate from this demand “one millimeter,” said the CDU leader. The “traffic light” coalition’s plans for a Stricter gun laws and faster deportations are not enough for the Union.

We will not touch the constitution

Saskia EskenSPD leader

If the coalition does not give in on the issue of rejections at the border, “then we do not need any more meetings, we do not need any more circles of chairs,” said Merz. His party will only a “fundamental correction” of migration policy participate.

The meeting on Tuesday is based on a Initiative of the CDU leader After the knife attack in Solingen, he had offered the support of his parliamentary group in the Bundestag for a rapid tightening of asylum rules. In particular, he offered the SPD the opportunity to use its joint majority in the Bundestag beyond the other traffic light coalition partners for such tightening. However, the SPD does not want to proceed without the Greens and FDP.

The Union wants to send the interior experts Thorsten Frei (CDU) and Andrea Lindholz (CSU) to the talks.

SPD does not want to change the Basic Law

SPD leader Saskia Esken rejected all tightening of asylum law on Mondaywhich would require an amendment to the Basic Law. Union proposals, for example, to abandon the individual right of asylum are “incompatible with our constitution”said Esken. “We will not touch the constitution.” Germany will also continue to adhere to its obligations under European law in asylum policy.

CDU leader Merz had last week Declaration of a “national emergency” brought into discussionto override EU legal requirements. This would make it easier to turn back migrants at the borders. On Monday, Merz repeated his demand. “The order of our country is at risk”he said. “We must have the right to reject.”

Green Party leader Ricarda Lang urged differentiation on Monday when it comes to the issue of migration. A distinction must be made “between the Islamist perpetrators of violence who have lost their right to protection” and “those seeking protection who are integrating into society and becoming part of it,” she said in Berlin. (dpa, AFP)

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