Fire on the Brocken – rain brings some relief


Firefighting has been going on at Brocken for days. Now it has rained.

During the night into Monday, 20 litres per square metre of precipitation fell on the Brocken, according to the German Weather Service (DWD). The rain was spread over several hours and moistened the ground well.

Showers are also expected in the afternoon and evening. It may rain heavily for a short time, but not across the board. “We can only hope that the embers will still be hit,” said Florian Engelmann of the DWD. The weather will continue to be unsettled overnight into Tuesday. The precipitation is expected to accumulate in the west in the Brocken area, said Engelmann.

Next week temperatures will remain comparatively low and the weather will be rather unstable.

The fire broke out on Friday on the Königsberg, a side peak of the Brocken, and spread over a length of about 1,000 meters.

© dpa-infocom, dpa:240909-930-227048/1

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