Fire service training to be offered nationwide

Fire service training to be offered nationwide

Fire service training to be offered nationwide

Fire service training at schools is to be offered throughout Brandenburg in the future. The Ministry of the Interior and the Ministry of Education want to strengthen the “Fire Service Goes to School” project financially and with more staff, as both departments agreed today in a key points paper. Fire service training is currently available as an elective subject at 22 schools. It was introduced at the start of the 2019/2020 school year at three schools.

In the future, interested teachers will be trained to become fire brigade instructors, and people who have a fire brigade background will also be employed to expand the range of courses on offer. In addition, the provision of fire brigade protective clothing for students will be improved.

Interior Minister Michael Stübgen (CDU) said: “The elective subject ‘Fire Brigade in Schools’ is a successful project in Brandenburg that has attracted attention throughout Germany. In a large state in particular, fire and disaster protection can only work if people get involved locally.” Financial support and sufficient staff are needed for future courses throughout Brandenburg so that the success does not become a burden for the volunteer firefighters.

“By taking part in this subject, students are not only actively prepared for the transition from school to work, but they also learn solidarity, community, discipline – and how to listen to one another and support one another,” said Education Minister Steffen Freiberg (SPD).

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