Food at school: For free school meals

Food at school: For free school meals

Food at school: For free school meals

An alliance of social associations and the Left Party says it has collected more than 20,000 signatures for free school meals. The “School Satt” initiative is demanding that the state government ensure that every child in primary school receives a “balanced midday meal,” according to a statement from the Left Party in Brandenburg. The people’s initiative was initiated by the party and the Paritätischer Wohlfahrtsverband, among others. According to the Left Party, the signatures were handed over to the President of the State Parliament.

“We expect the new state parliament to seriously consider the lunchtime provision for our children,” said Kathrin Dannenberg, a member of the Left Party in the Brandenburg state parliament. It must stop that children have to watch other children eat because their parents can no longer afford the price of lunch.

Currently, lunch at schools in Brandenburg is generally subject to a fee. Children from financially weaker families are sometimes provided with a free lunch. In order for the people’s initiative to have an effect, 20,000 signatures are needed. These will then be checked by the state referendum manager. If the initiative is permissible and the required number of signatures is reached, the state parliament must deal with the matter within four months.

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