Games in Paris: Double gold for German Paralympic swimmers


German swimming stars Elena Semechin and Taliso Engel have won double gold at the Paralympics. The visually impaired Semechin set a world record in the 100-meter breaststroke in the La Défense Arena in 1:12.54 minutes and won her second Paralympic gold after Tokyo 2021. Before that, Engel was also in a class of her own over the same distance. The 21-year-old had already improved the record in the preliminary round.

After her last Paralympic success three years ago, Semechin was diagnosed with a brain tumor. Thanks to successful chemotherapy, she quickly returned to the water and left her competitors no chance on Thursday evening. Her lead over the second-placed athlete was over three seconds.

The visually impaired Engel was also superior in his 100 meter breaststroke race. After his world record (1:01.84 minutes) in the preliminary round, he was also clearly the fastest in the final with 1:01.90. Engel also won his second Paralympic gold after Tokyo.

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