Gen. Kelly calls Trump “Fascist”: Darcy cartoon

Gen. Kelly calls Trump “Fascist”: Darcy cartoon

Gen. Kelly calls Trump “Fascist”: Darcy cartoon

CLEVELAND, Ohio — Retired Marine 4-star General John Kelly, longest serving chief-of-staff for Donald Trump, confirmed in a recorded interview with The New York Times and a story in The Atlantic, that Trump fits being a fascist; admires Hitler, wants his generals; has contempt for disabled veterans and thinks American military casualties are “suckers and losers.

As Election Nears, Kelly Warns Trump Would Rule Like a Dictator...believes that Donald Trump met the definition of a fascist” – is the headline for the NYT story by Michael Schmidtz

Certainly the former president is in the far-right area, he’s certainly an authoritarian, admires people who are dictators – he has said that. So he certainly falls into the general definition of fascist, for sure.” Kelly is heard saying on audio.

New York Times reporter Maggie Haberman in her book “Confidence Man” was the first to write that privately Kelly had called Trump a “fascist.”

Kelly was prompted to speak out to The New York Times and The Atlantic by Trump’s statement about “enemies within” and his being ready to us the U.S. military against his domestic opposition if reelected ‘Commander-in-Chief’ again.

Trump has “no understanding of the Constitution or the concept of rule of law” Kelly contends. The former general said Trump expected loyalty and devotion only to him not the Constitution, which violates oaths of office.

One of the reasons Trump wanted generals like Hitler had is because he mistakenly believed they had all always been loyal to Hitler, oblivious that several of those generals on multiple occasions plotted to kill him.

“He commented more than once that ‘you know, Hitler did some good things, too’” Kelly said of Trump

Kelly had agreed for his NYT interview to be recorded in part because his previous comments to CNN about Trump disparaging active duty military, veterans, disabled, P.O.W’s and casualties of war, Trump was denying and trying to discredit. So Kelly repeated them on tape.

According to Kelly, more than once Trump said Americans captured, wounded and killed in action were “losers and suckers” Schmidt reports for the NYT.

Whenever John McCain’s name came up, he’d go through this rant about him being a loser, and all those people were suckers, and why do people think that people getting killed are heroes”. Kelly said.

When President, former U.S. WWII commander General Dwight D. Eisenhower openly wept at a memorial service. Anyone pinning a Trump-Vance 2024 button on their chest should realize it’s like stabbing Generals Eisenhower, Grant and Washington in the back. The only “loser” should be Trump election day.

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