Greens warn of “horror state parliament” in Brandenburg

Greens warn of “horror state parliament” in Brandenburg

Greens warn of “horror state parliament” in Brandenburg

The Brandenburg Greens have expressed concern after the end of the future state parliament. “There is disappointment, of course – but also determination. We now really have the horror state parliament that we warned about,” said top candidate Benjamin Raschke to the German Press Agency. “There is no progressive force that stands for social justice, for environmental and climate protection.”

The Greens in Brandenburg suffered drastic losses in the state elections on Sunday and, according to the preliminary results, received 4.1 percent, compared to 10.8 percent in the election five years ago. Despite missing the five percent hurdle, they could have entered the state parliament with at least one direct mandate, but that failed in Potsdam.

Greens: strong extra-parliamentary opposition as a goal

The former Green Party leader announced that his party also wants to be heard outside of parliament. “We are determined to be a strong extra-parliamentary opposition,” said Raschke. “For me as a citizen of this country, it is also frightening that Mr. Woidke’s victory is in reality a Pyrrhic victory, that the far right and populism have been strengthened and the center has lost out.”

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