Groundbreaking ceremony for child protection facility with Queen Silvia

Groundbreaking ceremony for child protection facility with Queen Silvia

Groundbreaking ceremony for child protection facility with Queen Silvia

In the presence of the Swedish Queen Silvia, the groundbreaking ceremony for the new Childhood House at Berlin’s Charité University Hospital will take place this morning. The facility has been in the capital since 2020 and is now getting its own building. Childhood Houses provide care for children and young people who have experienced sexual violence.

The houses are being promoted internationally by the World Childhood Foundation, founded by Queen Silvia. In addition to the Queen, Berlin’s Justice Senator Felor Badenberg (CDU), Youth Minister Katharina Günther-Wünsch (CDU) and the Chairman of the Board of the Charité, Heyo K. Kroemer, are also expected to attend.

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