Hans Zimmer found his first concerts frightening

Hans Zimmer found his first concerts frightening

Hans Zimmer found his first concerts frightening

The German film composer Hans Zimmer (67) has been filling large halls around the world with his concerts for years. He has just announced a new European tour that will begin in 2025. When he gave his first two live performances in London ten years ago, it still scared him. “The first concerts were terrifying,” the two-time Oscar winner (“The Lion King”, “Dune”) told the German Press Agency in London.

Coachella Festival took away his fear

It was only a performance at the Coachella Festival in California in 2017 that proved liberating for the Frankfurt native. “I looked down from the stage and it was complete chaos. A mess. 80,000 people,” recalled Zimmer. “Then I thought to myself: ‘This is great. I can handle a mess.’ I just went out and enjoyed it.”

At first, however, he had concerns about the choice of music. His thought was: “You can’t play ‘The Lion King’ at a festival!” But his guitarist Nile Marr, son of his friend and guitar virtuoso Johnny Marr, convinced him and said: “Don’t be an idiot, Hans. This is the music of my youth.” The festival audience was ultimately enthusiastic.

Audience part of the band

Hans Zimmer has now overcome his fears. “I know that if something goes wrong, the audience will be on our side. The interesting thing about playing live is that you play with people, not for them. They are somehow part of the band. As soon as they enter the room and we look each other in the eyes, we are playing together. It’s a completely different feeling.”

Hans Zimmer sees himself as a kind of presenter. “The reason I surround myself with great musicians is because ultimately I don’t have to be the star,” he said. “I love saying to the audience: ‘Yes, my name is up there, but look, let me show you these incredible percussionists, this great bass player, this fantastic guitarist.’ These are the people you’ll remember for a long time.”

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