Heated atmosphere does not worry RB Leipzig

Heated atmosphere does not worry RB Leipzig

Heated atmosphere does not worry RB Leipzig

Captain Willi Orban is not worried that RB Leipzig could have problems with the atmosphere in the first Champions League game of the new season at Atlético Madrid. “We have a lot of experience in the team, a lot of experienced players, last season we also played well at Real Madrid. We want to enjoy this and to a certain extent it can push us. It can drive you to peak performance. That’s why we see the heated atmosphere as a positive thing,” said the Hungarian national football player before the game on Thursday (9 p.m./DAZN).

In the only encounter so far, which the Saxons won 2-1 in 2020, Orban was already part of the squad but did not play. Last Saturday in the Bundesliga match at home against 1. Union Berlin (0-0) he was absent due to a suspension. In the premier class, Orban is now eligible to play again and will move into the starting eleven. “He is our captain, of course he will play,” confirmed coach Marco Rose. The 48-year-old left open which defender will have to make way for the defensive leader.

For Rose, too, it is primarily about coping with the circumstances. “We expect emotion – an emotional coach, an emotional team. But it is also an individually strong and tactically good team that has always defended well,” said the coach.

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