Heavy rain and thunderstorms: Severe weather: Delays at Mallorca Airport


A bad weather front with heavy rainfall and thunderstorms has caused significant delays at Mallorca airport. Since the afternoon, all flights have been taking off one and a half to two hours later than planned. There is no sign of a quick improvement. The weather is expected to get even worse on Wednesday. It was only a short downpour, but it was heavy and accompanied by strong gusts of wind. That was enough to disrupt air traffic again. Only three weeks ago, the bad weather meant that one in five flights had to be cancelled at times and some passengers had to wait for days for a replacement flight.

The Spanish aviation safety authority Enaire is now advising all passengers to find out about changes to departure times from the airline in good time. This can also be done on the website of the Spanish airport operator Aena.

Warning of severe storms on Wednesday

For Wednesday, the national weather service Aemet has declared an orange warning for the entire island from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. In some places, up to 90 liters of rain per hour could fall per square meter and gusts with wind speeds of more than 120 kilometers per hour could sweep across the island. All severe weather warnings have been lifted on Thursday, but the weather will remain changeable.

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