Hungary announces free bus rides for migrants to Brussels – outrage in Belgium


Belgium has reacted angrily to Hungary’s announcement that it will To transport migrants by coach to BrusselsThe plan of the government in Budapest is “unacceptable,” said Belgian State Secretary for Asylum and Migration Nicole de Moor on Monday.

Hungarian Deputy Interior Minister Bence Retvari made a media-effective statement on Friday several buses of the public bus company Volanbusz presentedon whose display board “Röszke – Brussels“ Röszke is a place at a border crossing with Serbia through which migrants enter the country.

With this action, the Hungarian government wants to Record fine of 200 million euros which the European Court of Justice (ECJ) imposed on the country in June for violations of EU asylum law. The government in Budapest had described the fine as “completely unjust” – and announced that it would not pay the sum. If Hungary actually refuses to pay, the EU Commission can withhold certain subsidies.

At the presentation of the buses, Deputy Interior Minister Retvari said on Friday that the EU wanted to force Hungary “to let in the illegal immigrants we are stopping at the country’s southern border.” He continued: “Well, after applying the European procedural rules we will offer you a free trip to BrusselsAt the same time, he added: “If Brussels wants them, it will get them.”

On Monday, Belgian Secretary of State for Asylum de Moor commented on the announcement from Hungary that “such audacity” was “harmful and counterproductive”. It undermined “solidarity and cooperation within the EU” and was a “blatant violation of European and international agreements”.

Hungary had already announced a similar action in August. The EU Commission had stated at the time that it was used to “loud announcements of this kind from Hungary”. (AFP)

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