In Berlin, prices rise by a third in a five-year comparison


In a nationwide five-year comparison, rents for shared rooms have risen sharply in Berlin and Hamburg: by a third. While a room cost 450 euros in the winter semester of 2019, it currently costs 600 euros (including heating). These are the largest increases nationwide. At the start of the winter semester of 2024, the Standard price for an unfurnished shared room The highest in Munich is 750 euros.

This was calculated by Empirica AG, an independent economic and social science consulting institute. Based on several thousand rental advertisements for shared rooms, Empirica created an overview that provides information on rental prices in this segment at the start of the semester. It provides standard prices (average 50 percent value) for all major university locations in Germany (over 120 cities) as well as the price range for the warm rent for an unfurnished shared room that is between 10 and 30 square meters in size.

Students and young professionals in particular are Looking for an apartment in Berlin often rely on short- and medium-term rental offers, which are particularly expensive. Students who no longer live with their parents have to spend an average of 54 percent of their household income on housing, the Federal Statistical Office reported at the end of August.

According to the statistics office, the average income of students who manage their own household was 867 euros net last year. The figures confirm the high pressure on Student loans beyond the amendment that will come into effect in the coming winter semester, said the CEO of the German Student Union, Matthias Anbuhl. The rates for maintenance and housing costs are still too low and, in addition, many more students should be able to benefit from the funding.

Students and trainees are particularly at risk of poverty. This applies to a good third (35 percent) of all students, as the Federal Statistical Office also announced on August 28.

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