Insulting poster and whistles for Anton on his return to Stuttgart

Insulting poster and whistles for Anton on his return to Stuttgart

Insulting poster and whistles for Anton on his return to Stuttgart

National player Waldemar Anton was greeted with loud whistles and insulting posters by the home fans on his return to the VfB Stuttgart stadium. The 28-year-old, who moved to Borussia Dortmund in the summer, was booed every time he touched the ball during BVB’s away match against the Swabians on Sunday. A banner in the VfB block accused the central defender of dishonor.

The Stuttgart fans took Anton’s move to Dortmund much worse than striker Serhou Guirassy, ​​who also moved to BVB. VfB coach Sebastian Hoeneß had already suspected on Friday that his former player would have to prepare himself for a corresponding reaction.

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