Iran is showing preventive activity, which is unprecedented. political scientist


Declaring that it will not tolerate a change in the borders of neighboring countries, Iran nevertheless relies on the existing statements, said political scientist Edgar Vardanyan in an interview with “Freedom”, answering the question whether Tehran receives impulses to open the corridor by force.

“It is not necessarily that there is something else for him to answer like that, that is, the statements available in the public arena are already enough to cause some anxiety in Iran as well, and Iran seems to be showing preventive activity,” he said. the political scientist, adding: – “By the way, it is an unprecedented activity, it reacts to all that in an unprecedented way, so to speak. Many Iranologists are even surprised, they do not remember such a thing. when they studied the press, they saw that there is a very serious difference between the current discourse and the existing discourses. In other words, this is the story of just a few days of the appearance of such a sharp, quite clear position…”

“That’s why I ask, maybe those impulses really exist, especially since this statement follows Putin’s visit to Baku, where Yerevan was very directly blamed for not providing a corridor,” Vardanyan responded to this observation. – “Yes, we can assume in essence that maybe there is also, so to speak, other information in closed formats, more specific information that gives cause for concern, but what happened in public, yes, is a basis for those states that may be significantly affected by all of this should show concern.”

“Naturally, it is clearly seen here that the Republic of Armenia has repeatedly said that this corridor logic is unacceptable for it and, in fact, the Russian interpretation of how it should happen actually means the international logic and, naturally, Azerbaijan has always, let’s say, worked in that direction, so that it would be such a corridor as possible, such a way that the Republic of Armenia would have little control,” the political scientist emphasized.

Here, according to Vardanyan, the new activity of Russia in this regard after a long period of passivity is interesting. – “And this happened in the background when there were talks, and then those talks also turned into a statement at the official level, that certain administration functions related to customs, communication, border can be delegated to an international custodian organization, and that seems to be in the background or maybe in response to that, we see Russia’s activity. I think it’s all connected.”

See the full interview here.

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