Jens Kevin Georg wins with feature film “Kruste”

Jens Kevin Georg wins with feature film “Kruste”

Jens Kevin Georg wins with feature film “Kruste”

With “Kruste,” an adaptation of Kafka’s classic “The Metamorphosis,” director and screenwriter Jens Kevin Georg won one of three Student Academy Awards in the feature film category. Georg is a graduate of the “Konrad Wolf” film university. The awards, known as Student Oscars, will be presented on October 14 in London. That is also when it will be decided in which category the film will be honored: gold, silver or bronze.

In “Kruste”, Jens Kevin Georg tells the story of growing up and identity: 12-year-old Fabi is finally supposed to prove himself as a full member of the family. But only with the first big wound, which turns into a scar, does he become one of them. Fabi also wants to belong, but how much of him (and his skin) will be left? When he is faced with a daring challenge, Fabi has to make a decision.

“Kruste was written as an outsider story,” says Georg. “For a long time, I couldn’t admit to myself my secret need to belong. Feeling alone is just punk. With Kruste, I finally wanted to be more honest with myself and examine the ambivalences between individuality and group membership in a more nuanced way.” Director and film university professor Andreas Kleinert praises the film as “courageous and poetic.” This year, 2,683 submissions from around the world competed for the Student Academy Awards. (read)

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