Key points for administrative reform are in place


The black-red Senate wants to move forward with its plans for a far-reaching administrative reform this autumn. The Senate Chancellery has now summarized the basics for this.

According to the new key points paper from the Senate Chancellery, which is available to the dpa, the central goals of the administrative reform are to clearly divide responsibility for the tasks between the state and the districts, to strengthen the city-wide management of the administration and to guarantee a strong role for the districts.

A corresponding legislative package, which includes in particular a new State Organisation Act (LOG), is to be introduced into the state parliament this year.

Administration should be more citizen-oriented

The main principles of administrative work should be “citizen orientation” and “impact orientation”. Administration as a whole should become faster and more efficient, especially in the cooperation between different authorities.

Clear division of tasks between the state and the districts

The core of the new LOG is the desired clear allocation of tasks. “The tasks of the Berlin administration should be presented in a uniform catalogue of responsibilities.” The tasks are sorted according to policy areas such as education, energy, care or urban development.

In the future, in the event of disputes between districts and central administration over questions of jurisdiction, an arbitration board with members from both administrative levels will decide.

© dpa-infocom, dpa:240911-930-229786/1

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