Kubicki sees traffic light coalition on the verge of collapse – and issues ultimatum

Kubicki sees traffic light coalition on the verge of collapse – and issues ultimatum

After the Severe losses for the FDP in the state elections in Brandenburg the Vice-Chairman Wolfgang Kubicki He publicly questioned the participation in the federal government. He also issued an ultimatum to the allies of the traffic light coalition. There are even calls from Bavaria for the Liberals to immediately withdraw from the traffic light coalition.

“Either the traffic light coalition shows that it can draw the necessary conclusions from these elections, or it will cease to exist”said Kubicki the newspapers of the Funke Media Group. “This is a matter of a few weeks. We will not wait until Christmas. We cannot expect the country to endure this.”

In economic policy he expects “finally the structural reforms that we had actually agreed on a long time ago,” said Kubicki. He also criticized the “blockade stance of the Green coalition partners on migration policy.”

The evening before, Kubicki had already declared that the traffic light coalition and the Greens were toxic for the FDP and its voters. But the party does not have to pull the plug immediately. “The decisions will be made this autumn and I do not believe that with the current performance this coalition will make it to Christmas”said Kubicki on Sunday in “Welt TV”.

At the same time, Kubicki stressed that the FDP’s results in the state elections in Thuringia, Saxony and now in Brandenburg There is nothing to sugarcoat. Three times in a row by one percent means “that the Free Democrats are marginalized.”

But he also referred to the performance of the Greens and said: “People are fed up with traffic lights.” Kubicki cites migration policy mistakes as the main reason for the poor election results of the traffic light parties. “The AfD has not become strong because it is so great, but because we, because the traffic light coalition, also fail in migration policy,” he said.

He therefore gives the coalition government with the SPD and the Greens only a few weeks to solve fundamental problems in economic and migration policy.

“There are completely different views on how to get the economy going again and restore competitiveness. And either we actually manage to find a reasonable common denominator in the next 14 days, three weeks, or it no longer makes sense for the Free Democrats to continue to participate in this coalition.”said Kubicki.

Bavaria’s FDP leader Hagen calls for end to traffic light coalition

The Bavarian state party leader Martin Hagen goes much further – he called for the Liberals to withdraw from the Traffic light coalition in the federal government. “When you realise that it is no longer possible, you have to be prepared to pull the plug at some point”Hagen told the “Augsburger Allgemeine”. “We need to speak frankly in the federal executive board,” said Hagen, referring to the meeting on Monday.

Kubicki sees traffic light coalition on the verge of collapse – and issues ultimatum
The Bavarian FDP leader Martin Hagen in November 2023.

© dpa/Daniel Karmann/Archiv

The FDP has been “punished in every state election for the past three years,” Hagen continued, “and that is not due to the work on the ground.” The citizens rejected the traffic light government and made that “unmistakably clear,” he said. “Germany needs a turnaround in economic and migration policy, which does not seem possible with this coalition,” stressed Hagen. “This cannot go on.”

The FDP clearly missed out on entering the state parliament in Brandenburg and is now only listed among the other parties. The FDP already clearly missed the five percent mark in Saxony and Thuringia.

The FDP, with its leading candidate Hagen, also suffered losses in the state elections in Bavaria a year ago and failed to regain re-election to the state parliament with a result of just three percent. (Reuters)

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