Late summer weekend with sun and up to 24 degrees

Late summer weekend with sun and up to 24 degrees

Late summer weekend with sun and up to 24 degrees

Late summer weather awaits people in Berlin and Brandenburg this weekend. Saturday and Sunday will bring sunshine and temperatures of up to 24 degrees, perfect weather for excursions, as the German Weather Service announced. It is not expected to rain and the wind will only be light, it was said.

Meteorologists are expecting flat patches of fog with lows of between 12 and 6 degrees on Sunday and Monday nights. The week will start brightly on Monday, but clouds will move in later. Temperatures will reach a maximum of 24 degrees, as they did at the weekend, and rain will not start until Tuesday night.

© dpa-infocom, dpa:240921-930-239001/1

This is a message directly from the dpa news channel.

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