Leader of the Union faction goes into retreat in Brandenburg


The leadership of the CDU/CSU parliamentary group is preparing for two days for the final year of the electoral term, which is now beginning. At a closed meeting in Neuhardenberg, Brandenburg, the executive board of the parliamentary group will primarily discuss the topics of internal security, migration and the modern state, as previously announced. Guests expected include migration researcher Ruud Koopmans from Berlin’s Humboldt University and Dieter Romann, the President of the Federal Police. A new state parliament will be elected in Brandenburg on September 22nd.

The closed meeting is taking place a few days before a possible second migration meeting between the federal government, the opposition and the states. The leaders of the Union faction are likely to reiterate their position that immigration to Germany must be significantly limited. To achieve this, the CDU and CSU believe that controls at the German borders and the rejection of refugees whose asylum procedures are the responsibility of another EU member state are necessary. The Union is demanding swift action.

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