Looking forward to getting older

Looking forward to getting older

Looking forward to getting older

The actor Rafael Gareisen (30) says he is not afraid of the future. “Looking into the future naturally confronts us with immense challenges that we will have to deal with both as individuals and as a society as a whole,” Gareisen told the German Press Agency in Berlin.

However, if he has learned anything from history and his personal history, “it is that with hope and courage you can grow through difficulties and that seemingly insoluble tasks suddenly seem surmountable when you work together.” “I am therefore looking forward to getting older and am very curious to see what the next few years and decades will bring.”

Gareisen can be seen on Thursday (8:15 p.m.) on Das Erste in the “Irland crime thriller” entitled “Mercy Death.” It is about mysterious deaths among senior citizens.

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