Majority wants Pistorius or Klingbeil as SPD candidate for chancellor


Apparently both Defence Minister Boris Pistorius Both SPD leader Lars Klingbeil and SPD candidate for chancellor received more support than the incumbent chancellor Olaf Scholz. This is according to an Insa survey commissioned by “t-online“ stands out.

In the In a direct comparison with Pistorius, only 21 percent of respondents consider Scholz to be the better candidate and 44 percent Pistorius. In addition, if they had the choice between Scholz and Klingbeil as top candidates, 30 percent of respondents would prefer the latter, and only 26 percent would prefer the incumbent chancellor.

Broken down by party sympathies, it can be seen that Among SPD voters, Olaf Scholz is still slightly the more popular candidate: 46 percent of the Social Democratic voters surveyed want Scholz as a candidate, while 39 percent want Boris Pistorius. In a direct comparison with Klingbeil, 53 percent of the comrades favor Scholz and only 32 percent favor Klingbeil.

Axel Schäfer, a member of the SPD Bundestag from Bochum, told the news portal “t-online”: “We are taking the wrong approach. The top government needs to explain to people much more openly why they are making difficult decisions.

The results of the survey were “shocking”. At the same time, the question of a chancellor candidate swap is currently “hypothetical”Because “a swap of chancellor candidates is not currently under discussion. Our candidate for chancellor is Olaf Scholz,” said Schäfer.

In the representative survey, around 2,000 people aged 18 and over were interviewed between August 30 and September 2. (Trf)

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