Many children are familiar with porn and sexting


According to a study, many children and young people in Germany have already had experiences with porn or sexting. Around 42 percent of the 3,000 11 to 17-year-olds surveyed nationwide said they had already seen a porn film, according to the representative survey by the State Media Authority of North Rhine-Westphalia. This represents an increase, as 35 percent said this last year. What is worrying is that the increase was only seen among the very young respondents – children aged 11 to 13.

“Porn is not just for children. And yet, children and young people today are coming into contact with it long before they reach adulthood – more than that, they are also increasingly producing and sending pornographic material themselves,” reported the media authority. This phenomenon of sexting is quite widespread: 25 percent of those surveyed said they had already received a text message with sexual content, nude pictures, nude videos or even emojis with clear sexual intentions.

It is hard for parents or teachers to imagine how easy it is for children and young people to access pornography today and, above all, to send such material online themselves, said director Tobias Schmid. “But the study clearly shows that this happens. We are required to protect minors.” The first contact with this content is often involuntary or accidental.

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