Martín Ku’s tense reaction when Santiago del Moro accused his girlfriend Marisol of his elimination

Martín Ku’s tense reaction when Santiago del Moro accused his girlfriend Marisol of his elimination

Martín Ku’s tense reaction when Santiago del Moro accused his girlfriend Marisol of his elimination

Martin Ku starred in a tense encounter with Santiago del Moro after being eliminated from Big Brother (Telefe) a week after having won the head-to-head with Rage.

In El Debate, El Chino was very receptive to analysts’ criticism of his game. However, His annoyance began when he was reminded his confrontation with Juliana Scaglione in defense of his girlfriend Marisol in the week of the family visit.

This started when Laura Ubfal questioned her game and that of “Los Bro”: “Beyond those historic plays with Coty (Romero) or Cata (Gorostidi), they did not know how to generate play to get players out. Is that clear to you?”. “No. “I don’t think that’s the case,” he disagreed.

Then, the host decided to give his opinion by expanding the panelist’s theory: “‘The Bro’ did something very clever too, they hid, they lined up behind Juliana. She was shooting and you were doing the plank. I agree with something Laura said. For me, the arrival of your girlfriend Marisol brings forward your ending because the house was going the other way. The issue here is who raises their profile each week and who they target from the outside. That is to say, if that tough confrontation with Fury had not occurred, both of them would arrive.”

“We were all surprised by Martín’s attitude because he had managed the game from start to finish. The day you stood in front of Juliana, it took away from you. That hurt because that wasn’t you. We had never seen you like this,” added Gastón Trezeguet, who has expressed his support for his little sister on several occasions.

Immediately, El Chino asked to speak and clarified the reason for his questioned reaction: “No, it was me. If they talk bad about my girlfriend. That? Am I going to stay silent? Wait…what?” “Well, but she still is a woman,” the panelist reproached her.

Finally, Martín Ku made it clear that he does not regret his actions: “I don’t think it will happen that way. It happens because they are speaking badly about a person I want to defend. It is a matter of respect.” And he closed: “I may be a calm person but I have the right to defend a person I love.”

What happened between El Chino and Furia in Big Brother

On the night of Wednesday, June 12, the participants gathered to see which family member they were going to eliminate from the house. Big Brother. Martín started the conversation as soon as “Los Bro” had decided that Bautista Mascia would win the leadership. “Obviously I would love for Mari to stay, but if you don’t want to, nothing happens”, he added without problems. At that moment, Fury launched: “No, I do not want to”.

While Chino was initially okay with his girlfriend leaving the house, Furia took a simple exchange of ideas to the muddiest terrain possible.

“I don’t want her to stay because I see that she gets along like a jerk with my sister (Coy) and looks at me with a look that I don’t like, she’s a jerk actress. “She told you in your face.”he threw Rage to Martin. “Just Marí actress, yes”Chino responded sarcastically to Juliana.

“If he doesn’t like me, like what happened with Delfina (Virginia Demo’s daughter), because he’s envious of who I am, it’s not my problem.”Fury insisted. “Yes, is Mari going to envy you? Fair…”Martín replied ironically. “Yes, because the relationship I have with you is very different,” she added.

To justify his attack, Fury said: “I don’t care what information they have. “I don’t want to lose my isolation.”and demanded that everyone should look at her with a “good face. I want Maria to leave. I don’t know what her name is, I don’t care. Outside. I’m tired of bad people. “Enough, I’m tired.”

Those words resonated with Martín Ku, who quickly came to his girlfriend’s defense: “Mari is not a falluta, eh, that’s all I’m going to tell you”, Martín said angrily as he stood up to speak face to face to Juliana. When he saw that Chino stopped, Juliana began to harass him more by yelling at him. “She’s your girl, but she doesn’t go with me. Stop, stop, stop, stop, get the shit out of you, son of a bitch actor!”.

When the participant sat down, Furia continued: “I’m sick of these assholes coming to look at me with a blank face. I’m serious, I’m sick of it. The same as your girlfriend (by Florencia Regidor, Nicolás’s partner), the same that Delfina (Virginia’s daughter) and the same as this mine (by Marisol). I didn’t do anything to anyone,” said Scaglione, who justified her anger by saying that she is a player and was playing with them within Big Brother.


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