Maxim Biller receives Lower Saxony Literature Prize


The writer Maxim Biller will receive the 2024 Nicolas Born Prize of the State of Lower Saxony, endowed with 20,000 euros. The 64-year-old is one of the best-known German authors of his generation as a great prose writer and controversial essayist, the Lower Saxony Literature Commission explained the decision. His impressive work also finds an international readership. In addition, Biller’s name is regularly one of the first to be mentioned when it comes to a Jewish perspective in contemporary German-language literature. The Prague-born author’s most recent novel was “Mama Odessa” (2023).

This year, the Nicolas Born Debut Prize goes to Charlotte Gneuß, who was born in Ludwigsburg in 1992. She is being honored for her first novel, “Gittersee.” The debut prize comes with prize money of 10,000 euros. The awards will be presented on November 27 in Hanover.

The literary prize commemorates the author Nicolas Born, who died in 1979 near Dannenberg in Wendland. His novel “The Forgery” was made into a film by Volker Schlöndorff. With this prize, the state of Lower Saxony honors the work of outstanding German-speaking writers.

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