Measures in the traffic light “safety package” sensible


There is broad support in the Bundestag for the measures of the so-called security package of the traffic light coalition. This was evident in the first discussions on the changes to the law. The drafts presented contained “many sensible measures”, even if comprehensive rejections at the German borders and other options for combating irregular migration and terrorism were missing, said the parliamentary manager of the Union faction, Thorsten Frei (CDU).

The draft laws presented by the SPD, the Greens and the FDP include, among other things, a tightening of gun laws with regard to carrying knives in public, the cancellation of benefits under the Asylum Seekers Benefits Act for people whose asylum procedures are the responsibility of another state, and the authority to biometrically compare publicly available data from the Internet so that the security authorities can better identify and locate suspected terrorists and suspects.

Everything “that is practically and legally possible” will be done to ensure the safety of citizens, said Federal Interior Minister Nancy Faeser (SPD). In Solingen, three people were killed and eight others injured in a suspected Islamist knife attack at a town festival in August. A 26-year-old Syrian is in custody for the crime. The man was actually supposed to be deported to Bulgaria in 2023, but this failed.

Politicians from the AfD parliamentary group used the debate for election campaign purposes. Their parliamentary manager, Bernd Baumann, said: “Anyone who wants a real change in migration must vote for the AfD.” The domestic policy spokesman, Gottfried Curio, directly addressed the state election in Brandenburg, which is due to take place the weekend after next, and said: “The SPD and the Greens are dying parties.”

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