Medina receives 4.5 stars on state report card

Medina receives 4.5 stars on state report card

Medina receives 4.5 stars on state report card

MEDINA, Ohio – Medina City Schools received some good news this month with the release of the state report card results.

The Ohio Department of Education released state report card results for the 2023-24 school year earlier this month. Districts and individual schools can receive an overall rating between 1 and 5 stars and the district as a whole received an overall rating of 4.5 meaning the district exceeded state expectations. The score is also an improvement from the previous year when the district received an overall rating of 4.

“I would like to congratulate all of the school districts across Medina County for the high level of achievement we see across our county,” Superintendent Aaron Sable said. “As we celebrate our success, I would like to say the state report card is just a lone indicator of what is really happening in our classrooms on a daily basis where we provide outstanding academics to prepare our students for whatever their future may be.”

“We are very excited about our state report card results,” Director of Instruction Tina Cassidy said. “It reflects the hard work of our teachers and students.”

The state report card measures several different components to determine a district’s success. The component of Achievement represents whether student performance on state tests met established thresholds and how well students performed on tests overall. Medina received a 4 in this category this year and a 4 the previous year.

The component of Progress looks at the growth all students are making based on their past performances. The district received a 4 for this component this year and a 4 the previous year.

Gap Closing measures the reduction in educational gaps for different student groups. The district received a 5 in this category this year and a 5 last year.

The Graduation component is a measure of the four-year adjusted cohort graduation rate and the five-year adjusted cohort graduation rate. The district received a 5 in this category this year and a 5 the previous year.

Early Literacy is a component that measures the reading improvement and proficiency of students in kindergarten through third grade. The district received a 3 in this category this year and a 3 in this category last year.

While the district meets state standards in Early Literacy, Cassidy said improving on the component has been a goal within the district.

“Just last year all of the K-5 teachers, ELA teachers and special education teachers received 20 hours of professional development through the state in the science of reading and every other teacher received seven and a half hours of professional development in the science of reading so everybody is working toward that goal,” she said.

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