Meet the black board, lewd in the forest


By Mera

In this modern age, perhaps not many people believe in stories related to spirits or all unusual and creepy events.

The stories I will share are just for information only.

It’s up to you to believe it or not but this kind of story may have happened to you even if the situation is different, wallahu’alam.

This first story happened to my cousin Zurin a few years ago. Zurin will usually spend the night at our house if there is no school tomorrow.

It happened to be Thursday, which is Friday night, both of my parents were not at home because they were attending a funeral ceremony at their friend’s house.

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After Fardu Maghrib prayer, we siblings plan to go to our grandmother’s house across the street to learn to recite.

That’s our habit every Friday night, which is to learn to read the Quran with grandma. We asked Zurin whether he wanted to come or not. Zurin just shook his head. He said he had to complete a lot of homework. We were worried at first if Zurin was just living alone in the house.

But due to Zurin’s earnest insistence not to worry about his safety, we were relieved. We left Zurin but managed to warn him to lock the house door and call us if anything happened. Zurin just nodded his head.

After being alone in the house for half an hour, Zurin suddenly heard a knock on the kitchen door. Zurin thought that we had come home. After opening it, Zurin did not see anyone in front of the door.

Zurin felt puzzled and proceeded to close the door and lock it. However, Zurin was not the least bit afraid. Instead, he continued to resume his work.

Half an hour passed, there was another knock on the kitchen door.

But this time is a bit stronger than the previous one. “Who is that?” Zurin asked out loud. No answer. Zurin then opened the door and there was still no one outside. Zurin thought that we were the ones playing him and hid.

“Oh you! Don’t be scary. You know me!” Zurin spoke with a smile.

But still no response. Zurin was puzzled. Suddenly, he saw that maybe my brother had come home early and was sitting there smoking. Zurin went to approach ‘my brother’ slowly with the intention of surprising him.

But what was there was only a black creature that seemed to resemble a human.

Zurin kept screaming and passed out and fortunately we came home early and we found him lying near the lounge chair.

After waking up from fainting, Zurin continued to tell what he had experienced. At first we didn’t believe it, but after seeing for ourselves what we found near the lounge chair, it left us speechless.

A cigarette that is still smoking. My grandmother said, maybe the creature is Bauta (the language of the Bruneians) and Zurin is considered lucky because the creature is okay.


This next story also happened to my male cousin, Daud.

One night, my grandmother asked Daud to accompany her that night at her house. It just so happens that my grandfather works on the night shift and his salaryman has also returned to his state for a three-week vacation.

With respect, Daud agreed. The night is getting late followed by very heavy rain. My grandmother is already sleeping in her room. But Daud initially stayed up to watch TV in the living room. Suddenly, there was a sound like a dog barking.

Daud ignored it at first but after a while, the sound of barking got louder as if it was close to grandma’s house. Daud was not happy with the sound.

He thought there might be a thief who was breaking into the area of ​​the grandmother’s house. Daud then went to the window and looked around the grandmother’s house. He also saw two dogs that were still barking. Apparently, the dogs were barking at something white that seemed to be jumping around near a nona tree.

Daud thought he might have seen it wrong but after examining it, it was true what he saw. White body or better known as pocong ghost was jumping around not far from grandma’s house. Daud apologized a lot while reciting verses of Al-Kursi and Surah Al-Fatihah. Daud continued to sleep in a state of fear until the next morning.


This last event actually happened to my younger brother, Basri. A few years ago, Basri accompanied a school group to Kuala Belalong in Temburong District. Coincidentally, the GCE O Level exam was over so he wanted to be happy after their struggle to face the exam.

Those who followed the group were 15 people including two teachers.

When they arrived at the appointed place, they did not intend to sleep in a boarding house but instead they planned to camp in the forest.

Before it got dark, they had set up their respective tents and some had lit a bonfire. Some sing and no less tell stories. Karim, who is a friend of Basri has told about a horror story about a group of teenagers camping in the forest.

Basri and the others were not happy with his story at first, remembering that they were also in the forest, but at the insistence of one of their friends, Karim, he continued his story.

While they were having fun, one of their friends said that he saw something in the tree. All the teenagers looked up at the tree.

A woman in a white dress was seen sitting on the branch of the tree.

They all got scared and ran away from the forest.

After Karim finished telling the story, all those who were there were scared and some said that it was not appropriate for the teenager to reprimand what he saw at night, let alone in the thick forest. Basri and the others just nodded in agreement. Suddenly Karim said something while pointing up, “Hey you! Try to see that!”

They were all very scared and bowed their heads when Karim said that. Some cried, closed their eyes and scolded no less.

“Eh, you’re obscene! Don’t show me!” Basri scolded Karim. Everyone there also scolded Karim.

“You are a coward ani eh! I told you to look at the stars above. It’s a banar!” Karim said laughing.

It was only then that those who were there dared to lift their heads and look up and each of them burst out laughing because they were too scared. While they were having fun laughing, they heard the laughter of a woman far away in the forest which was quite horrible. Basri and the others looked at each other and each showed facial expressions that we cannot imagine now. Wallahua’lam.

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