Meloni gets criticism with celebrity selfie

Meloni gets criticism with celebrity selfie

Meloni gets criticism with celebrity selfie

Italy’s right-wing Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni has drawn criticism for a happy selfie with a Hollywood star. The 47-year-old posted a photo on various social networks showing her beaming with actor Mel Gibson (“Braveheart”, 68). The only comment she wrote underneath was: “Mel&Mel”.

The leader of the far-right party Fratelli d’Italia (Brothers of Italy) received over 120,000 likes on Instagram. However, there were also nasty comments because several regions in Italy are currently suffering greatly from flooding. One user wrote succinctly: “We are sinking in the mud here!” Meloni did not attend a special meeting of her cabinet in Rome, which took place almost at the same time as the selfie was published.

The Fratelli boss has been leading a coalition of three right-wing parties for almost two years. She is very active on Instagram and other internet platforms.

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