Middle East conflict: Riots after terror attack on Israel

Middle East conflict: Riots after terror attack on Israel

Middle East conflict: Riots after terror attack on Israel

Following riots at a pro-Palestinian demonstration in Berlin-Neukölln on the day of the terrorist attack on Israel almost a year ago, the trial of a 25-year-old begins today (11 a.m.). The prosecution accuses him of breach of the peace, dangerous bodily harm and physical assault on law enforcement officers.

The man is said to have thrown a glass bottle in the direction of police officers from a group of around 100 people late in the evening of October 7, 2023. According to the indictment, one officer was hit on the back of his helmet and suffered pain in his neck area. The Tiergarten District Court has initially scheduled a day of proceedings.

Since the terrorist attack by the Islamist Hamas, the police and judiciary in Berlin have registered a significant increase in crimes in connection with the Gaza war. According to the public prosecutor’s office, there are currently around 3,030 cases (as of September 16). Of these, around 970 cases involve crimes committed during demonstrations on the Middle East conflict, a spokesman for the authorities said when asked. There have been a total of 14 convictions so far, with one exception for fines.

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