More than 300 participated in the procession in conjunction with the Prophet’s birthday

More than 300 participated in the procession in conjunction with the Prophet’s birthday

By Salawati Haji Yahya –

BANDAR SERI BEGAWAN, SEPT 18 – A total of 326 students and officers and teachers of PGGMB Sungai Akar School participated in the Maulud Celebration of Prophet Muhammad SAW organized by the school, today.

Present as the guest of honor is the Secretary General of PGGMB, Haji Mustapa bin Haji Masri.

During the ceremony, PGGMB School Headmaster, Haji Ali bin Haji Talip in his welcome speech, among other things, outlined the hope and confidence that by holding the Maulud Celebration of the Prophet Muhammad SAW this will be able to inject a very deep spirit of love to the teachers and students towards all the teachings below by His Majesty the Prophet SAW.

Among other things, the purpose of the celebration is to increase love and loyalty to the great master Prophet Muhammad SAW, in addition to practicing all his teachings and orders as a torch for life in this world and the afterlife as well as unearthing the talents and potential of the students in the activities held during the celebration.

At the ceremony, students from Year 1 to Year 6 of the school participated in a walking procession while praying in the parking area at the school.

While Taman Asuhan 1 to 3 children participated in a coloring competition in their respective classes.

The ceremony was also graced with the presentation of qasidah, the Sirah of the Prophet Muhammad SAW forum and the presentation of nasyid, the presentation of gifts, the presentation of charity, the chanting of Dikir Assalam and ended with the Goodbye Prayer.

Also present were the Deputy Secretary General (Foreign) of PGGMB, Haji Yahya bin Haji Mirasan, teachers and school staff.

More than 300 participated in the procession in conjunction with the Prophet’s birthday
Haji Mustapa took many pictures with the students and members of PGGMB Sungai Akar School who were present at the event. – PGGMB SCHOOL SUBMISSION PICTURES
Haji Mustapa with guests and students who participated in the walking procession in conjunction with the Maulud of the Prophet Muhammad SAW. – PGGMB SCHOOL SUBMISSION PICTURES

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