Mother and two children recovered dead from Lake Teupitz

Mother and two children recovered dead from Lake Teupitz

Mother and two children recovered dead from Lake Teupitz

A 28-year-old woman and her two children were recovered dead from Lake Teupitz. Their bodies will be autopsied on Thursday, a police spokesman said. Investigators hope that the results will provide clues as to what exactly happened. According to the current state of the investigation, there is no indication that the incident was preceded by a violent crime, according to the spokesman.

A passerby discovered the woman’s lifeless body at around 11 a.m. on Lake Teupitz (Dahme-Spreewald). The 28-year-old’s body was recovered and identified. Therefore, it was known that there must be two children aged two and five, explained the police spokesman. A major search for the children has begun.

According to a report by the “Märkische Allgemeine”, emergency services found an empty stroller with toys on the edge of the lake. Divers from Dahme-Spreewald, Teltow-Fläming and Potsdam were deployed. Divers eventually found the bodies of the two small children in the water. According to “MAZ” information, their mother was found fully clothed and with a backpack on her back.

© dpa-infocom, dpa:240918-930-236508/2

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