Musk could examine US finances if Trump wins


Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has promised that if he wins the election, Tech billionaire Elon Musk to head a panel to review U.S. government spending.

Trump announced that “a Commission for Government Efficiency” to conduct a “complete financial and performance audit of the entire federal government” and make recommendations for “drastic reforms,” ​​said the 78-year-old Republican in a speech in New York. The commission was a recommendation from Musk. “If he has the time, he will do it well. He has agreed to do it,” said Trump.

Musk has brought himself into play

Tesla CEO Musk supports Trump in the presidential election campaignHe regularly stirs up sentiment against the Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris, against whom Trump is running in the presidential election on November 5.

On his online platform X, he now wrote: “I look forward to serving America whenever the opportunity arises. No pay, no title and no recognition.“ Previously, in August, in a live conversation with Trump on X, he said that such a commission should ensure that taxpayer money is spent in “a good way” and offered his “help” with such a project.

Trump wants to impose tariffs again

Trump gave a speech in New York about his plans for economic policy. The former president again announced tariffs on foreign products – during his first term in office, Trump instigated trade conflicts with China and the European Union.

“America will encourage domestic production instead of punishing it,” he said in New York. Economists fear that such broad-based tariffs could fuel inflation in the US again and the costs would be passed on to consumers. Trump rejects this criticism of his proposals. “Foreign countries will pay us hundreds of billions of dollars, which will reduce the deficit and lower inflation,” he said. Many of the tariff opponents work for other countries, Trump further claimed. (dpa)

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